5 Things To Know About Heating And Cooling Maintenance In Fishers, IN

5 Things To Know About Heating And Cooling Maintenance In Fishers, IN

Did you know that with regular heating and cooling maintenance you can avoid costly and ill-timed surprises from your HVAC system? In fact, according to statistics, regular professional HVAC maintenance could help your heating and cooling system last up to 40% longer.

Summer is nearly upon us, bringing its long days of sunshine and with it the muggy Indiana heat. The last thing you want when the hot days arrive is an unpleasant surprise from your air conditioning unit.

Keep reading to learn the 5 things you need to know about ac and heating tune-up this summer!

1. Heating and Cooling Maintenance will Save You Money

We know all too well that when temperatures rise, so do the electricity bills. But you can save money by keeping your air conditioner well maintained. The U.S. Department of Energy states that a properly maintained HVAC system can save you upwards of 30% on your electricity bills.

The other way that regular HVAC maintenance saves you money is by preventing major damage to your system. When major components break due to neglect they can be very expensive to repair, so make sure that your system is being regularly inspected.

Having your heating and cooling maintenance is done twice a year before peak seasons for air conditioning and heating will ensure that your system is always running at its best.

2. HVAC Maintenance is Good for the Environment

A great bonus of maintaining an ac unit and keeping it running its best is that it’s better for the environment. Keeping pollution levels down is good for everyone. So, it’s nice to know that while using less energy is good for your wallet, it’s also good for the planet!

3. Changing Your Filter is Important

Remembering to stay on top of changing your HVAC filters can be a pain, but it’s more important than you might realize. Dirty filters not only keep your heat and air from running at its peak, if they are dirty enough they can damage internal components.

During summer when you are using your ac often, you should change your filters regularly. Check your manual or ask your HVAC service technician how often you should be changing them.

4. Dirty Ductwork Means Dirty Air

Indiana is no stranger to potential allergens like pollen and mold. Spring pollen and mold spores which thrive in humidity can make their way into your HVAC system and make the air inside your house less than healthy to breathe. Household pollution like smoke, dust mites, and pet dander can also make their way into your system if things aren’t properly maintained.

Keeping your HVAC system well maintained includes your ductwork, when ductwork is neglected it can affect your indoor air quality. Having your HVAC ductwork inspected and cleaned regularly will help keep your indoor air clean and safe to breathe.

5. Pay Attention to Strange Noises

Often your heating and air unit will tell you when it’s having trouble. Make sure to pay attention if you notice any increase in noise levels or if you hear your unit making strange sounds.

If you do hear anything suspicious call and have your system checked out. Catching issues early will ensure that you stay cool all summer long.

Where can I Find Heating and Cooling Maintenance Near Me?

We hope that you enjoyed reading about why ac maintenance is so important. Heating and cooling maintenance will not only keep your home more comfortable this summer, but it will also save you money!

Are you ready to get your HVAC system tuned up for summer in Indiana? Contact us today!

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