5 Effective Ways To Save Money On Your Air Conditioning Costs, Indianapolis, IN Homeowners

5 Effective Ways To Save Money On Your Air Conditioning Costs, Indianapolis, IN Homeowners

Can you believe that the average American spends around $115 on their monthly electric bills? Heating and cooling your home takes up a significant chunk of this bill, so it’s in your best interest to reduce your air conditioning costs. With summer approaching fast, you might already be dreading the jump in your utilities as you try to stay comfortable.

The good news is that you can stay cool in Indianapolis all summer long without blowing through your savings. Read on if you’d like to learn the top five AC tips that will curb your spending.

1. Boost AC Efficiency With Regular Maintenance

One of the most powerful ways you can reduce the cost of air conditioning is to keep your HVAC unit in top shape with maintenance. Homeowners should get into the habit of changing their filters about once a month.

You should also work with an experienced HVAC company that can provide annual services like duct cleaning to ensure that your unit doesn’t have to work overtime to cool your home.

2. Install a Smart Thermostat

If your home is empty for a large chunk of the day, then why should you have to pay for AC when no one is there to enjoy it? Smart thermostats are designed to keep AC costs at a minimum by giving homeowners more control.

After you install this device, it’ll be easy to turn your HVAC unit off and on through your smartphone whenever you need it.

3. Be Mindful of Your Cooking Habits

There’s nothing worse than turning your oven on in the middle of a hot day. This is why barbecuing is so popular during the summer months because it allows people to make tasty meals without heating up their kitchen.

If you do like to cook, try to use your microwave more often and avoid working during the hottest hours.

4. Get Good Use Out of Your Fans

A common mistake homeowners make is cooling their entire home all at once. You should use your air conditioning as the base level temperature that you can tolerate in order to save the most money.

The next step you should take is turning the fan on in the room you’re spending time in so the living space feels cooler. Using a fan in one room uses much less energy than cooling your whole home.

5. Seal Up Your Home

When was the last time that you had an energy audit? This visit can help you identify any leaks in your home and any other problems that could be wasting energy.

Plugging up any holes and cracks will keep your cold air inside instead of escaping.

Are You Ready to Lower Your Air Conditioning Costs?

Air conditioning costs can get out of control during the summer. Using these tips will help you avoid breaking into a sweat whenever you see your electric bills.

Are you in need of the best air conditioning services in Indianapolis, Indiana? If so, LCS Heating & Cooling would love to take care of you. Contact us to learn more about our services and set up your first appointment.

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