AC is leaking water

What to Do if Your AC Is Leaking Water: A Guide for Carmel, IN Homeowners

Plop! Your footsteps into a puddle of water on the floor of your home. You immediately realize your AC in Carmel is leaking water, but you don't know why.

There are various reasons that this could be happening, some with simple fixes and others more complicated. To help you understand the root of the problem, we cover some of the common causes of a leaky AC.

Keep reading to learn them.

Clogged Condensation Line

One of the reasons your AC is leaking water could be a clogged condensation line. The role of the condensation line is to drain condensed water so that it doesn't end up on the floor of your home.

The line can become clogged by mildew or algae. Every three months, you can pour 1/3 cup of vinegar down the condensation line to prevent this problem.

The AC can shut off if this line is backed up. You may also see water overflowing in the drain pan. If you've tried the vinegar method, and it doesn't work, hire professionals to inspect your AC.

Dirty Air Filter

AC companies will tell you that a dirty air filter can cause a lot of problems, including leaks. An air filter should be changed out at least every three months. You might need to change it more if you have animals causing pet dander.

When the air filter gets clogged, air cannot move through the air handler. This causes your coils to get cold and freeze. The frozen water can begin to leak.

If you aren't changing your air filter out regularly, you may experience a plethora of different AC problems and poor indoor air quality.

Low Freon/Refrigerant

Air conditioner leaking can occur if your AC is low on freon or refrigerant. If you haven't had your air conditioner serviced in a while, you likely have low freon levels.

Low freon levels cause low pressure inside the coils which can lead to freezing.

You can opt for an AC repair-free estimate to discover if this is the root cause of your issue. If it is, an AC technician can install freon as an easy fix!

Damaged or Missing Drain Pan

An AC pan leaking stems from damages more often than not. A drain pan is the component of your system that catches falling water before safely draining it out of your home. The drain pan can become worn out and rusted.

In some cases, the drain pan is missing from your system. If this happens, have a drain pain installed and connected to the condensation line. Search for "AC repair near me" to find a professional that can help with this task.

There are some areas where a float switch is required that will go off when your drain pain is filled with water. If you want to be safe, ask a technician to install this as well.

AC Is Leaking Water: Call a Technician!

If you live in Carmel, IN, there are various AC technicians you can call for emergency problems. To keep out the heat and ensure your system is working properly, you need to know what to do when your AC is leaking water.

Although there are some simple solutions to this problem, others require the help of a professional. Contact us today if you aren't sure, and for all of your cooling needs.

heating and cooling maintenance

5 Things to Know About Heating and Cooling Maintenance in Fishers, IN

Did you know that with regular heating and cooling maintenance you can avoid costly and ill-timed surprises from your HVAC system? In fact, according to statistics, regular professional HVAC maintenance could help your heating and cooling system last up to 40% longer.

Summer is nearly upon us, bringing its long days of sunshine and with it the muggy Indiana heat. The last thing you want when the hot days arrive is an unpleasant surprise from your air conditioning unit.

Keep reading to learn the 5 things you need to know about ac and heating tune-up this summer!

1. Heating and Cooling Maintenance will Save You Money

We know all too well that when temperatures rise, so do the electricity bills. But you can save money by keeping your air conditioner well maintained. The U.S. Department of Energy states that a properly maintained HVAC system can save you upwards of 30% on your electricity bills.

The other way that regular HVAC maintenance saves you money is by preventing major damage to your system. When major components break due to neglect they can be very expensive to repair, so make sure that your system is being regularly inspected. 

Having your heating and cooling maintenance is done twice a year before peak seasons for air conditioning and heating will ensure that your system is always running at its best.

2. HVAC Maintenance is Good for the Environment

A great bonus of maintaining an ac unit and keeping it running its best is that it's better for the environment. Keeping pollution levels down is good for everyone. So, it's nice to know that while using less energy is good for your wallet, it's also good for the planet!

3. Changing Your Filter is Important

Remembering to stay on top of changing your HVAC filters can be a pain, but it's more important than you might realize. Dirty filters not only keep your heat and air from running at its peak, if they are dirty enough they can damage internal components.

During summer when you are using your ac often, you should change your filters regularly. Check your manual or ask your HVAC service technician how often you should be changing them.

4. Dirty Ductwork Means Dirty Air

Indiana is no stranger to potential allergens like pollen and mold. Spring pollen and mold spores which thrive in humidity can make their way into your HVAC system and make the air inside your house less than healthy to breathe. Household pollution like smoke, dust mites, and pet dander can also make their way into your system if things aren't properly maintained.

Keeping your HVAC system well maintained includes your ductwork, when ductwork is neglected it can affect your indoor air quality. Having your HVAC ductwork inspected and cleaned regularly will help keep your indoor air clean and safe to breathe.

5. Pay Attention to Strange Noises

Often your heating and air unit will tell you when it's having trouble. Make sure to pay attention if you notice any increase in noise levels or if you hear your unit making strange sounds.

If you do hear anything suspicious call and have your system checked out. Catching issues early will ensure that you stay cool all summer long.

Where can I Find Heating and Cooling Maintenance Near Me?

We hope that you enjoyed reading about why ac maintenance is so important. Heating and cooling maintenance will not only keep your home more comfortable this summer, but it will also save you money!

Are you ready to get your HVAC system tuned up for summer in Indiana? Contact us today!

common AC repair mistakes

4 Common AC Repair Mistakes to Avoid for Homeowners in Indianapolis, IN

Summers in Indianapolis can be warm, humid, and long. During the hottest months from May to September, the average daily high temperature is above 75°F. During the warmest month of the year, July, the average high here is 85°F.

If you live in Indianapolis, it's likely that you have an air conditioning unit on your property. AC units help not only to improve indoor comfort and reduce high humidity, but they also improve air quality, reduce the likelihood of parasites and insects, and reduce the risk of dehydration.

In this blog post, we will highlight 4 common AC repair mistakes that you should avoid making. In order to get the most out of your AC unit, it's important to follow these steps.

1. Skipping the Maintenance Schedule

Depending on how frequently you use your AC unit, you should schedule once or twice-year maintenance checkups with a professional AC contractor. Even if there are no signs that something is wrong with your unit, these tune-ups are important to ensure that the unit stays in tip-top condition.

With the summer months coming on the horizon, now is really the most opportune time to schedule an AC unit tune-up.

2. Ignoring the Air Filter

Changing the air filter is something you can—and should—do yourself at home. In an AC unit, the air filter serves as a barrier, helping to prevent contaminants from circulating with the air or entering the system. They help to block out dust, dirt, pet hair, lint, mold, bacteria, and more.

You should aim to change your AC's air filter at least once every 3 months. If you live in a dusty climate or have household pets, you may need to change it more frequently, such as every 1 or 2 months.

3. Ignoring Warning Signs

If you notice an issue with your AC unit, don't simply ignore it as the problem is likely to become worse. This can result in having to pay more for repairs in the future. Some common warning signs that there is an issue with your AC unit include:

  • Strange noises
  • Bad odors
  • Insufficient airflow
  • Warm air
  • Rapid cycling
  • Higher than usual energy bills

It pays to be proactive in scheduling repairs when you notice any of these common AC issues.

4. Attempting DIY repairs

There is nothing wrong with having a DIY spirit, however, AC units can be complicated and any attempts to resolve an issue may only make things worse.

While you should be proactive in changing the air filter, other issues should be left to the professionals, like LCS Heating and Cooling in Indianapolis.

Common AC Repair Mistakes to Avoid in Indianapolis

Avoid making these common AC repair mistakes by scheduling repairs and maintenance with our expert team. Our goal is to provide homeowners in Indianapolis, Fishers, and Carmel, IN, with lasting comfort solutions.

Schedule repairs for your Indianapolis residential AC system today and stay cool this summer.

air conditioning costs

5 Effective Ways to Save Money on Your Air Conditioning Costs, Indianapolis, IN Homeowners

Can you believe that the average American spends around $115 on their monthly electric bills? Heating and cooling your home takes up a significant chunk of this bill, so it's in your best interest to reduce your air conditioning costs. With summer approaching fast, you might already be dreading the jump in your utilities as you try to stay comfortable.

The good news is that you can stay cool in Indianapolis all summer long without blowing through your savings. Read on if you'd like to learn the top five AC tips that will curb your spending.

1. Boost AC Efficiency With Regular Maintenance

One of the most powerful ways you can reduce the cost of air conditioning is to keep your HVAC unit in top shape with maintenance. Homeowners should get into the habit of changing their filters about once a month.

You should also work with an experienced HVAC company that can provide annual services like duct cleaning to ensure that your unit doesn't have to work overtime to cool your home.

2. Install a Smart Thermostat

If your home is empty for a large chunk of the day, then why should you have to pay for AC when no one is there to enjoy it? Smart thermostats are designed to keep AC costs at a minimum by giving homeowners more control.

After you install this device, it'll be easy to turn your HVAC unit off and on through your smartphone whenever you need it.

3. Be Mindful of Your Cooking Habits

There's nothing worse than turning your oven on in the middle of a hot day. This is why barbecuing is so popular during the summer months because it allows people to make tasty meals without heating up their kitchen.

If you do like to cook, try to use your microwave more often and avoid working during the hottest hours.

4. Get Good Use Out of Your Fans

A common mistake homeowners make is cooling their entire home all at once. You should use your air conditioning as the base level temperature that you can tolerate in order to save the most money.

The next step you should take is turning the fan on in the room you're spending time in so the living space feels cooler. Using a fan in one room uses much less energy than cooling your whole home.

5. Seal Up Your Home

When was the last time that you had an energy audit? This visit can help you identify any leaks in your home and any other problems that could be wasting energy.

Plugging up any holes and cracks will keep your cold air inside instead of escaping.

Are You Ready to Lower Your Air Conditioning Costs?

Air conditioning costs can get out of control during the summer. Using these tips will help you avoid breaking into a sweat whenever you see your electric bills.

Are you in need of the best air conditioning services in Indianapolis, Indiana? If so, LCS Heating & Cooling would love to take care of you. Contact us to learn more about our services and set up your first appointment.

Spring HVAC

5 Essential Spring HVAC Tips

In 2020, the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) services market held a value of $57.8 billion. Experts expect the market to exceed $82 billion by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1 percent. 

Nearly 90 percent of homes in the United States sport an air conditioner of some sort, with 75 percent of those having central AC units. But only 43 percent of those homeowners conduct yearly maintenance on their HVAC units. Those that do extend the life of their units by 40 percent. 

Preparing your system for spring HVAC service will ensure efficient and cool operation as the weather warms. Here's a look at five essential tips to get the most out of your HVAC system.

1. Change the HVAC Filter

The first thing to consider when conducting yearly HVAC service is to change the air filter. This remains one of the most important actions to take when trying to extend the life of your system and ensure its efficient operation.

Performing filter maintenance limits the airborne contaminants circulating in your home. Not cleaning your air filter forces the HVAC system to work harder, which often means higher energy costs and possible system failure. This should be done in your spring HVAC check, as well as in the fall. 

2. Clean the Drainpipe

HVAC maintenance should include cleaning the system's drainpipe and evaporator coils as well. Blockages in the HVAC's condensate drainpipe lead to overflow and leakage.

Be sure to remove any debris, dirt, or dust from the drainpipe. To clear the pipe completely, use a solution of equal parts bleach and water.

3. Examine the Air Ducts

Another spring HVAC tip is to schedule an examination of the air ducts. Hiring a professional HVAC service to clean the ducts before you turn the air conditioner on helps keep the system cooling properly.

This cleaning frees the ducts of any dust or mold that may have built up during the winter. This also eliminates spring pollen or other allergens lingering in the system. 

4. Inspect the Outside Unit

HVAC maintenance also includes the outdoor unit of the system. The exterior unit remains exposed to the elements, so it may have been damaged during the winter. 

Your inspection of the outside unit should include checking the condenser for any damage. Also, be sure to clear any foliage or plant life that may have crowded the area. Ensure there's at least one inch of clearance for proper airflow.

5. Test the Cooling Function

The winters get cold in Indianapolis, so it's likely been months since you've used the cooling function of your HVAC unit. Test the system to check that cool air comes out of the vents once it starts working. 

If you hear clicking or other odd sounds coming from the system, it might be time to schedule an HVAC repair. Check out the HVAC tips on our site for more.

Spring HVAC Solutions and More

Spring HVAC service is critical to keep your system running efficiently as the weather warms. LCS Heating and Cooling provides light commercial and residential services to Indianapolis and all its surrounding areas. 

We're the top Indianapolis HVAC company for air conditioning and furnace repair, sales, and installation. If you live in the greater Indianapolis area, and you need HVAC maintenance, contact us today to schedule a repair, get a quote, or more.

HVAC systems

Top 8 HVAC Systems Don'ts When It Comes to DIY

Only 42% of US households service their HVAC systems annually. Servicing your central air-conditioning will ensure it lasts longer. But what maintenance should you leave to the experts?

Whether you get annual servicing or hope for the best each year, HVAC systems can have problems. HVAC DIY is tempting, especially if it decides to break during the height of Indiana's summer. But even it seems like a quick fix, you could do more harm than good to you and your HVAC!

Read on to learn the top 8 don't for DIY HVAC maintenance!

1. Don't: Play with Electrics

If you have a problem with your thermostat after winter, wait a moment! Central air-conditioning has a complex set of wiring to serve your home. You have to be trained to deal with the high voltage and special electric lines.

Do not risk electrocution!

2. Don't: Handle Refrigerant 

Handling HVAC refrigerants, such as a leak or checking levels, can be dangerous. If inhaled, it can lead to poisoning, with symptoms including dizziness and headaches. It can also lead to coma and sudden death. 

3. Don't: Touch the Air Ducts 

Cleaning air ducts without experience can lead to health problems and worsen the situation. You will expose yourself more to the contaminants, such as mold! Signs you need a professional air duct clean include allergies and dust buildup.

4. Don't: Clean the Coils 

The evaporator coils sometimes need attention, such as if they get frozen. However, it is a complicated area to access, and you may not have the tools to fix it properly. A professional will ensure you can get back to enjoying Indianopolis's summer comfortably!

5. Don't: Mess with the Fan

HVAC systems have two fans, which prevent the unit from freezing. However, it is a delicate problem to fix, which requires the right tools. If you do it wrong, it could lead to air conditioner replacement.

6. Don't: Manage the Motor

A motor repair can easily go wrong. Because of the many parts and cost of repair, leave it to a professional. It is more expensive, but will save you money in the long run!

7: Don't: Overwork Your HVAC

It might seem like good HVAC DIY maintenance to run your air conditioner in winter. But your HVAC will not be able to manage low Indiana winter temperatures! Your compressor and other parts can get damaged as a result. 

8: Don't: Open HVAC Systems

Opening HVAC systems do not only risk damaging the units. It can also add more damage to your wallet, as it can void the warranty! Confirm with your provider before you start HVAC DIY repair. 

Do: Call a Professional HVAC Provider!

Now you know what HVAC DIY you should avoid. Stick to cleaning the outside of units and changing air filters. Even if the repair is not on this list, check with a professional before trying DIY repair on HVAC systems!

After all, you could cause more damage to your unit or yourself! Many central air conditioning repairs will be even more costly and can pose a health risk. 

We can help with all your HVAC needs in Indianapolis and the surrounding areas, such as Westfield. Our trained technicians will solve the problems you should not try to at home. Contact us today for HVAC maintenance and replacement services you can count on. 



Hvac system repair

How to Know if it’s Time for HVAC System Repair

With the summer season right around the corner, your thoughts may be turning to keeping cool during those summer heatwaves. One of the best ways to do that is by making sure your HVAC system is in good repair and ready for the scorching days ahead. 

It's best to have your HVAC system checked out by a reputable professional HVAC service early in the spring, just in case you're going to need HVAC system repair to make it through the summer heat. If you're asking if you need HVAC repair, then you probably do. Read on below for a few signs that your air conditioner might need some work.

Frequent Problems

If you're asking if your air conditioner broken, don't make the HVAC mistakes that many homeowners make. Instead, call in a professional right away to take care of the problem. Sometimes, HVAC systems don't break down all at once but instead have frequent little problems. 

If you find that you're frequently having to switch off your air conditioning unit so that it thaws, or there are hot spots in your home, or there are areas in your home that aren't getting cool, you probably need an air conditioner repair. 

Your Unit Is More Than 10 Years Old

The way your HVAC system runs can have a lot to do with how old it is. If your unit is over 10 years of age, you definitely need to check into a tuneup. But, of course, that's only if you've taken excellent care of your air conditioning unit.

In most cases, it's better to consider new air conditioner installation when the unit is that old. Chances are, your HVAC system isn't energy-efficient, and replacing it will help decrease your electric bills and do your part to save the planet as well. 

Inflated Energy Bills

Speaking of electric bills, suddenly inflated energy bills are a key sign that your HVAC system needs to be repaired. While it's normal for your energy bill to be a little higher in the middle of a summer heatwave, keeping your home comfortably cool shouldn't be super expensive. 

If you have unexplained increases in your electric bill, try having your unit repaired. It could make all the difference in not only your energy bills but in how cool your home is as well. 

Unexplained Noises

If you wake up in the middle of the night wondering if you have a ghost because you hear grinding, clanking, whistling, and moaning noises coming from your HVAC unit, it's time to call in the professionals. Your AC unit should be quiet for the most part when running. 

Schedule HVAC System Repair Today

These are a few of the signs that you need to schedule HVAC system repair for your unit as soon as possible. Contact us today for system maintenance and replacement before the summer heatwaves begin. 

air conditioner problems

The 4 Most Common Air Conditioner Problems

Ninety percent of American homes use some form of air conditioner, whether it's central heat and air or window units. These essential systems help keep American homes cool and comfortable when the weather gets hot.

Unfortunately, air conditioning systems don't last forever. The average system will last between twelve and seventeen years under normal conditions. During this lifespan, a few common air conditioner problems could arise.

What are the most common AC issues in Indianapolis? What may be the root cause of these problems? Continue reading below to find out the answers to these questions.

1. Air Conditioner Is Running Constantly

While your air conditioner will run more when the weather gets hotter, it should never run constantly. It should complete an entire cycle and turn off once the house has reached the temperature you set the thermostat for.

Several different problems could cause a constantly running air conditioner. There may be an issue with the thermostat, condenser, air filters, or even the electrical components of your unit.

2. The AC Won't Turn on

If your Indianapolis air conditioner doesn't turn on at all, try turning down the thermostat. If the AC still doesn't kick on, your issue may be a tripped circuit breaker, which is an easy fix. On the other hand, it could also be a faulty thermostat or loose wiring, which requires professional assistance.

3. AC Is Blowing Hot Air Instead of Cold

If your AC is blowing hot air instead of cold, many issues could be to blame. Your air filter could simply be dirty, or there may be an obstruction somewhere in the ducts. Debris could be causing your unit's compressor to overheat, or refrigerant levels could be low.

4. The Unit Is Short Cycling

Short cycling means the air conditioning system is turning on and off quickly, without finishing a complete cycle. This is a serious issue that could cause damage to your unit's compressor. So, if the unit is short cycling, you want to turn it off and call a technician in Indianapolis as soon as possible.

Short cycling has a few potential causes. The air filters could be clogged, or the thermostats might need to be calibrated. If the air conditioner is new, it may be too powerful for your home.

More Questions About Common Air Conditioner Problems?

When your air conditioner isn't running the way it's supposed to, it can be frustrating. The four issues above are the most common, but they're far from the only ones. Only an HVAC technician can help you find and fix air conditioner issues.

Do you have more questions about common air conditioner problems? Or do you need help with a unit that isn't working correctly in Indianapolis?

Contact us today. One of our associates would be happy to answer any questions you still have. They can also set you up an appointment to fix your broken air conditioner if desired.

woman pushing buttons on wall thermostat

It might still feel like spring now, but the hot summer days are fast approaching! And while it’s always nice to soak up the sun outside, we definitely want to keep cool indoors. For that, an efficient AC unit is key. Your annual maintenance plan appointment can help make sure everything is running smoothly. But what about those older air conditioning units?

By now, you may have heard about the refrigerant phaseout for certain HVAC systems. If you’re worried about what that means for you and your home, we’ve got the answers.


About the R-22 Refrigerant Phaseout

Regulations set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are now in effect for one of the most common ozone-depleting substances: HCFC-22, otherwise known as R-22 refrigerant. This phaseout means that no one in the country can manufacture R-22. It also means that this type of refrigerant is going to be harder and harder to find. And as the supply continues to dwindle, the product is only expected to get more and more expensive. An honest assessment of your current HVAC setup can help ensure you don’t end up wasting money.


How Will Homeowners Be Affected?

If you have a newer AC unit installed, this phaseout shouldn’t have any impact on your future repair or maintenance needs. But homeowners with older systems should definitely take note. Systems that are over 10 years old are probably still using the R-22 refrigerant. So you’ll want to be aware of the coming changes.

The good news is that you can still run your air conditioner or heat pump like normal if it uses R-22. You can even get regular AC repair services for these older units. Just know that if refrigerant is required, those repairs will likely be quite expensive. This goes back to the supply-demand dilemma. Now that production has stopped with R-22, it may not be the best idea to move forward with every repair. Some homeowners want to keep their system for as long as possible, and that’s okay! But if you have to rely on R-22 for a major repair, it might be time to look into options for a more cost-effective AC unit.


AC Repair vs New Unit Replacement

Although the HVAC industry technology continues to get more efficient year after year, no unit can last forever. Facts are facts. Systems that have been running for more than 10 years have a higher chance of running into problems. Regular maintenance can help extend the timeline for some equipment, but those repair costs can also add up fast. Knowing when to upgrade to a more reliable system can help keep your budget in-check.

Homeowners generally find that it doesn’t make sense to put a bunch of money into an older system that is out of warranty. If your equipment is still using R-22 refrigerant without any problems, then by all means, keep it up! But if you know your system has been struggling, it’s a good idea to start budgeting for a new system sooner rather than later.

There are actually a lot of rebates available right now to help you get a solid deal on your home’s new investment. If you’d like to start running the numbers, we’re here to help. We know that weighing the pros and cons of replacing your air conditioner can be confusing and even overwhelming at times, but the more you know, the better off you’ll be. Whether you’re looking for a second opinion or you just hoping to get through another summer with your existing unit, our team can work with you to get the repairs and professional insights you need.

couple smiling and checking paperwork

Energy savings are usually a year-round concern for homeowners. You want to keep costs down, but still maximize your comfort. That’s where efficiency comes into play. Whether your HVAC system is heating or cooling your home, it always helps to keep on top of your maintenance plans. When you run the numbers with a truly efficient system, it’s easy to see how you can keep those energy costs low.

Utility Costs and Efficiency Ratings

In the state of Indiana, our average residential electricity rate is around 10.5 cents/kWh. To keep things simple, let’s just say you pay $100/month to power your home’s HVAC system. You might look at your utility bill and think that it’s an accurate statement for what you spend to heat your home in the winter or cool it down during the summer. But in reality, the equation is a little more complicated. The amount of money you spend isn’t just about the local utility rates. You also have to consider your equipment’s efficiency rating.

For units that are older, you might be looking at 80% efficiency. That means your costs can get pretty high because for every $100 you spend to heat your home, you’d essentially let $20 fly away. A furnace that’s operating at 95%, on the other hand, would only lose $5. The other $95 would go directly into heating your home. That’s why efficiency is key. If you’re living with an older furnace, heat pump, or air conditioner, you’ll have to think about these hidden costs. Your energy bill is likely higher than it should be.

Realistic HVAC Costs: Repair vs Replace

Having a general idea of where your HVAC equipment’s efficiency ratings are can help inform your decision for any repairs later on. Say your air conditioner doesn’t work like it should after the winter season wraps up. Will you need to invest in a completely new system? Hopefully not, but it all depends on the age of your AC unit and the repair costs. Thinking about those two factors will help point you in the right direction for whether to get HVAC repairs or a total replacement.

Here's one example to consider: A $500 repair on a 6-year-old system makes more sense than a $500 repair on a 16-year-old system. While you're spending the same amount of money, the chance of there being more repairs on that older system is pretty high. Sure, the upfront cost of a new system is more than the repair itself, but there's peace of mind with a warranty. Plus, you can look forward to those potential utility cost savings with a higher efficient system.

Ready for an Efficient HVAC System?

You’re probably already aware that changing your HVAC filter goes a long way for improving efficiency. But there are other ways to get energy savings too. Annual cleaning and tune-up services for both your furnace and air conditioner keep your systems running smoothly. Then you can limit your risks of having a bigger problem pop up down the road.

It might help to think of your HVAC annual maintenance like the regular oil changes and tire rotations you get for your car. (Plus, annual maintenance is what keeps your manufacturer and labor warranties in place.) Your equipment will work better when you just do a few simple things. To streamline the process, we offer our customers two different types of annual plans. It’s a low-cost investment for big rewards.

Our LCS Gold Membership includes two services each year: one cooling tune-up for your air conditioner, and the same for your furnace. It also gives you $20 off your regular-hours service calls, waives that service call for repairs over $300, gives you discounts on duct cleaning and indoor air quality products, and more. The membership is just $155 per year, and helps ensure that your equipment is running at its best—so you get the best savings on your energy bills.

Our LCS Platinum Membership includes those same maintenance services, but waives the service call with paid repairs completed during regular business hours. It also gives you discounted rates for after-hours service, a one-year supply of air filters, up to $700 in savings on a full system replacement, and more. To learn more about your HVAC repair options and how to improve your energy efficiency, please visit our webpage for annual maintenance plans. We look forward to serving you!