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Benefits Of UV Lights For Indoor Air Quality

Benefits Of UV Lights For Indoor Air Quality

That happy feeling when you take a deep breath of fresh air doesn’t only have to be an outdoor thing. Indoor spaces can get great air quality, too!

We use AC units and furnaces to correct our indoor comfort level, but cleanliness should be equally important. No one wants to breathe dust and mold and other funky smells wafting from your kitchen trash can. Luckily, some quick upgrades to your ductwork can help keep your air healthy.

How It Works: UV Air Purification Light

It kind of like sounds like a mouthful, but UV air purifiers aren’t as mysterious as they might seem. They’re basically special types of lights that work as air cleaners. These versions of ultraviolet rays are used to break up the cell structure of airborne contaminants and remove them from your indoor air. They work great against mold, mildew, and bacteria—plus all those weird home odors that scented candles won’t ever be able to remove.

Some UV lights (also called “germicidal lights”) will even work when your HVAC system isn’t running. This helps ensure that once it’s installed, you can expect an around-the-clock boost in your overall air quality. Because the UV light units are installed right in your ductwork, any air circulating through your system will get treated. And because they don’t have to be compatible with any particular air conditioner or furnace, they’re essentially a universal HVAC upgrade.

No matter what equipment you’re already using, a UV light can be a really smart add-on. They help keep your ductwork clean by killing mold—and yes, even fungi—which can even extend the life of your HVAC equipment and efficiency.

Types of UV Light Air Cleaners

No matter how new or old your home might be, airborne contaminants are always going to be an issue. Air cleaners help you stop the problem from getting worse and let you breathe air that’s nice and clean. Our two favorites are made by Lennox and APCO.

Lennox Healthy Climate UV Light

This air cleaner fights germs without putting any ozone into your home environment. (Other germicidal lights on the market can’t make the same claim.) The Lennox Healthy Climate UV light has also been shown to reduce airborne microorganisms by half, in just 45 minutes.

APCO Fresh-Aire UV Light

This model also reduces bacteria and viruses in your home, helping to eliminate odors for good. A special carbon cell in the APCO system captures the airborne contaminants. It also has a neat method for self-cleaning its inner coil to prevent mold growth.

These UV lights are also great solutions for smaller commercial properties. If your air at the office is a little “off,” you might consider getting one of these units installed. Fresh air can make a big difference in how relaxed and focused your feel throughout the day!

Seasonal Savings for UV Lights

From now until August 31, 2017, we’re offering our Indy-area homeowners a special discount on UV lights. It’s all part of our LCS Heating & Cooling Seasonal Special! We rotate these offers throughout the year to give you great savings on all kinds of home comfort products. Just reach out and schedule your installation before the end of August to get the discount—it’s valid for all new UV air purification light installs.

Any questions in the meantime? Be sure to give our offices a call at (317) 238-3961 or send a message through our Contact Us page. We’d be happy to schedule an in-home consultation to review your current setup and discuss these systems in more detail. Once you make the switch, you’ll be amazed at how refreshing your home’s air can be!

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