Can An Air Purifier Crush Your Seasonal Allergies?

Can An Air Purifier Crush Your Seasonal Allergies?

People who suffer from seasonal allergies have been hit hard in 2017. Allergy symptoms flared up as early as February, and Indiana Public Media put the blame on our mild winter and early spring weather. So how do you get relief? Load up on allergy meds? Close yourself off to Mother Nature?

There’s no real clear-cut solution, but a lot of homeowners are getting help with whole-home purifiers. Air filters that work around the clock—and in every room—can actually be pretty effective against your toughest allergens.

Air Cleaners vs. Pollen

It would be awesome to have a magic wand that could take away all the pollen in your home. (We’d even be happy with one to get rid of dust!) Of course, this “magic solution” doesn’t exist. Pollen and allergens are part of life and the changing seasons. But having a whole-home air cleaner can help you manage the issues.

You see, the challenge with pollen is that the particles are a lot larger than other airborne contaminants. This means that any pollen from outside often settles in your home—on your bookshelf, couch, windowsill, you name it—before getting carried through to your air filter. But regular vacuuming, dusting, or just walking around your home can then stir these particles into the air again. The upside to this is having an in-duct particle removal system. Having the right air cleaner can help you remove those airborne pollen and dust particles, germs and bacteria, and even odors in your home’s air.

Benefits of Whole-Home Air Purifiers

Typically called whole-home purifiers, these units actually do a great job at removing larger airborne particles. The EPA even notes that high-efficiency filters are good at capturing pollen, dust, dust mites, animal dander, and certain molds.

The real benefit of whole-home air cleaners is that they help address air quality issues everywhere in your home. Unlike portable units, you’re not limited to one room. Because in-duct units connect right to your furnace, they’re able to treat the air as it cycles throughout your home. With these kinds of systems, it’s a lot easier to tackle tough air problems whenever they arise.

Lennox PureAirTM Systems

When it comes to indoor air purifiers, we love working with the Lennox PureAir systems for homeowners. Because they filter your air in multiple stages, you’re able to address the top three airborne issues in your home. This includes airborne particles, germs and bacteria, and chemical odors. These systems come with a lot of other perks, too:

  • Whole-Home Application
  • Reduces and destroys ozone
  • Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV): MERV-16
  • Compatible with all HVAC system types
  • 5-Year Limited Warranty on covered components

The Lennox PureAir Cleaner also uses a carbon catalyst filter and UV bulbs. The UV light cleaners are key for these units because they kill bacteria and mold when the air passes through your system. You can even get a Lennox UV Light on its own—without the full PureAir system. The UV light installs directly on the furnace and goes to work right away.

All in all, air cleaners can offer some great benefits for homeowners who are serious about kicking their allergy issues and finding some relief. When your indoor air is regularly cleaned and fresh, it’s a lot easier to kick back and relax!

If you’ve been struggling with allergies this season or poor indoor air quality, give LCS a call. We’re always happy to consult with Indy-area homeowners on the best units for their lifestyle! Plus, we’ve got some great deals going for UV Air Purification Lights, available now through August 31, 2017.

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